
daily creative practice

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The survey!

How did you figure out what your daily creative practice would be?
It just came to me that day on the way home—and seemed totally right.

Did you find yourself thinking about or noticing things re your practice throughout the weeks?

What are your rules? Have they evolved?
Identify and document one good thing that happens each day. It doesn’t have to be the “best” thing, just “a” good thing. As for documentation, my preferred form is sketching (for the side benefit of skill development), but that’s not set in stone. As for evolution, yes, I’ve become less adamant about sketching and I’ve sometimes gotten downright lazy about documentation.

What helped you keep going?
It’s fun when I do it—and I knew I’d have to touch base with others. That keeps you accountable.

What hindered you? And how did you deal with it?
Time—and not being in the mood some days. Mostly I gave in, but missed doing it.

Did you write about your practice, take notes, journal?
Not extensively. Mostly margin notes around the sketches. Ideally, this is personal and the sketch brings back to me the thoughts and feelings that I’d otherwise be writing about.

Are you documenting your practice?

Mostly visually. Sketches and photos. Here’s the interesting thing. I really see the value in documentation. It heightens the experience and keeps me on track and actually doing this. What I’m ambivalent about, though, is posting the documentation. I don’t know that it’s of any interest or value to anyone but me and I’d rather spend the time doing than posting.

What advice would you offer others interested in a creative practice?
Just do it. (I know that’s not very creative, but it’s true. Don’t overthink. Just do.)

What changes, if any, have you noticed in the quality of life since you’ve started your practice?
When I actually do it, I’m calmer and more serene.

How does your original intention for the workshop compare to where you are now?
Sort of. I’d be further along if I practiced more diligently, but I’m moving in the intended direction.

Are you having fun yet?
Yes, I am.

Do you think you’ll continue?
Yes. It’s definitely worth it.

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